By Estonia

Think Happy Thoughts

You ever see those people who walk just happy & carefree. It seems like they never get upset or ever face any real problems. I used to wonder, why can't I be so effortlessly happy like them? Or why don't they ever have anything bad happen to them? Well here's a newsflash, they have problems just like everyone else! The only real difference between us and them is ATTITUDE! Your attitude towards life plays a major role in how the series of events you face play out.

Get Out Of Your Own Way

Most of our lack is self inflicted. We short ourselves of blessing all the time because we don't believe we deserve what God has for us; yet we wonder why He won't give it to us. If you don't even believe you should have it, what makes you think you could handle it if He gave it to you? 🤔 If we don't think we're worth it, why should anyone else? Funny thing is, Gods mentality isn't like that.