Think Happy Thoughts

You ever see those people who walk just happy & carefree. It seems like they never get upset or ever face any real problems. I used to wonder, why can't I be so effortlessly happy like them? Or why don't they ever have anything bad happen to them? Well here's a newsflash, they have problems just like everyone else! The only real difference between us and them is ATTITUDE! Your attitude towards life plays a major role in how the series of events you face play out.

I bet if you asked someone who seems completely "unbothered" by life what their secret is, they'd say they don't have one. The truth is that they just CHOOSE to be happy whereas most of us REFUSE to be happy. We would rather complain, cry and be upset about life rather than simply being happy. We make pessimism easy and optimism a chore. I'm learning that what you focus on is eventually what will become reality. If you focus on the negative, your life will be negative. If you focus on the positive, your life will be positive. It's that simple.

Often times, people make optimism seem impossible. It's like being hopeful just doesn't make sense. The only reason one would assume that is because they've spent too much time looking at the issues rather than the solutions. An easy way to put life into perspective is to assume all the issues, malfunctions, and just overall bad stuff = Problems, while all the benefits, accomplishments and overall good stuff = Solutions. Now take a moment and look at your life; do you see more Problems or more Solutions?

- If your answer was problems, I'd venture to say you immediately reflected on all the negative stuff in your life. All the things that aren't working out or are seeming to fall apart at the seam.

- If your answer was solutions, you probably did the opposite. You zeroed in on the good things happening, the accomplishments you've had and the things that are falling together perfectly.

There is no "right" or "wrong" answer, it's just an opportunity to see your mind come to life. I don't believe anyone just wants to be negative or experience life's troubles but someone is reading this and thinking, "I don't know any other way to be". You feel stuck in the negative zone and can't seem to step out of that box. Well let me encourage you, THERE IS HOPE! But it starts in your heart/mind.

Our thoughts are what often manifest into actions, emotions or feelings. Even the thoughts that remain internal. Once the thought has crossed your mind, it has been processed. You may think that because it was a subconscious thought that it doesn't count, but it does. So I urge you, begin to re-channel your thinking. Read inspiring words, listen to uplifting music, speak encouraging thoughts. All of these things will begin to shift your thought process and provoke a hopeful and more positive mindset. When you start feeling down, smile. A smile can change your mood even when you don't want it to.

You've heard the cliché, "Think Happy Thoughts", start making that a literal daily demand. You have more control over your emotions than you think. If you change your attitude to one of positivity, I promise you will soon become that person someone sees and says "I wish I could be as effortlessly happy as they are".

Smile, you owe it to yourself! 😃