Relationships : The Do's And Dont's

Below I'll discuss several things that you should do in a relationship as well as things you shouldn't. Practicing the Do's will be sure to produce a HEALTHY relationship. However, if you find that you've been practicing more of the Dont's it's safe to assume your relationships are in danger. It's time for a change. Read through and find the areas you need to improve. Trust me, you're not alone because it took experience for me to learn all of this & know how to make the changes necessary for healthy relationships. Safe to admit, I'm still in the process...

Relationships: They call for consent between all parties included. Agreeing that what I do for you, you will do for me. PRAYER! You should always pray for one another. But also WITH one another. Hold each other accountable for any and everything, BUT also help them learn and grow in their mistakes. Mistakes should never be opportunities to bash them in wrong doing but a chance to show them why the mistakes need corrected and how they can use it as a lesson learned. Relationships need goals and a vision. An understanding on where you want it go in the future as a couple as well as individuals. Goals to prosper, grow, become one with Christ and each other, build strong and firm foundations. A vision to become the best you can be and to remain humble yet bold in standing up for what's right. Relationships need trust and honesty. Not doubt and manipulation. Have faith in one another that you are meant for each other and can work. Trust that you will both be collectively involved in making the relationship work. Be honest in all that you do, regardless of the potential pain it could bring. Keep each other in mind when considering actions that could effect the relationship. Do not practice ways to destroy the relationship, nor focus on how bad things can be. Practice optimism and uplift one another. Understand neither of you are perfect and that just because something wouldn't hurt you, doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt anyone else. Relationships call for teamwork. Communication is KEY! Talk through everything. Express your feelings. Never allow anyone to invalidate them. Speak your mind, but always be respectful. Never take your partner for granted. Don't ever feel like you have the upper hand even if it appears so. You are equal. Spend time praising one another & recognizing the good in each other not the bad or the mistakes. Harp on good memories and discuss ways to create new ones. Be spontaneous.

Keep God FIRST and all these things will come easy. Relationships must be consensual or they will never work.

This doesn't only apply to romantic relationships but friendships, families, churches, workplace, etc.

What state are your relationships in?

-Estonia Mosby