Keep It Moving

Welcome back! Took some unplanned time away which turned out to be just what I needed. Reflection is always healthy but I particularly like when it's unexpected...

While away I realized some new things about myself, 1 being how badly I need this blog. Often times we do things out of obedience thinking it's to help someone else... Truth is, it's for us FIRST! God speaks to me before or during my writing these blogs and I'm grateful for that because it's a reminder that A.) I'm not perfect! B.) Once I've digested it, I now have what I need to help the next person. Ultimately, He wouldn't give it to me to give to you if I didn't need it too. 

Fall is officially upon us which means the year is coming to an end. Normally we'd wait until New Year's Eve to begin reflecting and determine what new resolutions we'll have for the New Year. However, I'm a firm believe that it's never too late to be who you've always wanted to be, or in this case, never too early to start over! With that being said, this month started a new slate for me. Fresh relationship with God! Fresh prayers! Fresh blessings! Fresh ideas! Fresh accomplishments! Fresh ME! 

There may be some things you've failed at in the past... Something you didn't get to do... Someone you never forgave... Regardless of what didn't happen, the question is "Why not NOW?" I've been on a new journey for a couple of months and it's truly forcing me out of my shell. But what's I love the most is how it's stretched my faith. Things I would've never thought to trust God to do are normal requests and expectations now. I believe He can do the impossible for ME! I've learned that my faith Grows or Dies as my relationship with Christ Grows or Dies. I heard an example given referencing the scripture 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by Faith and not by sight" (paraphrased). Even when we physically see the failure, denials, empty bank accounts, expiration dates, etc. Be reminded of the scripture, For we walk by FAITH, not by SIGHT! Just as clearly as we see the evidence working against us, we have to believe even harder that God is coming with His stamp of approval to OVERRIDE! 

So regardless of how much you haven't done, it's not over until God says it's over! You do the work and He will meet you there! 

REMEMBER: It's NEVER too late to be who you've always wanted to be, but it's ALWAYS too early to give up! Keep it moving!